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Ring of Hope Uganda (RIHU)

Help for Selfhelp for the people of Uganda 

Holistic Approach

Sustainable Developement



Ring of Hope Uganda is a non profit organization which was founded by the people of Jinja in 2008.


Our goal is a sustainable development for our communities according to the principle „Help for Selfhelp“. We want to reach this goal with a holistic approach. 


In the Rehab Center we offer treatment and rehabilitation services to alcohol and drug addicts with the aim of transforming them into responsible people who can support their families. Uganda is ranked among the leading countries in alcohol consumption and this is connected to the historical challenges that some parts of the country have gone through. Our Rehab Center is the only one in Eastern and Northern Uganda. 


With the support of Micro Businesses (Income Generating Activities) we want to help people and communities to start businesses and to become responsible for their own income.


With Community Support we provide consultation for communities to reach a sustainable development.


With our God-Children (Sponsored Children) project we give children the opportunity for education. In addition Ring of Hope Uganda is a point of contact for more than 100 street children in the Jinja area. 


All our fields of work are connected. Direct help, transparency and honesty are central topics of our work.


We are a proud member of the International Blue Cross and partner of the Ostafrika Projekt e.V.

"Never to die in life" - Never give up!



Ring Of Hope Uganda

P.O. Box 1861

Jinja, Uganda


Phone: ‭+256 775952174




DROP-IN Office:

Located at the Golden City Building Room 19 opposite of City Hotel Jinja


Rehabilitation Center:

Butiki - Mataala near Butiki Primary

School, Mafubira Sub County

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