Our dear friends,
I hope you are doing well. Many greetings to you from Uganda in the name of our Lord. We are so happy for the continuing support you give into our ministry especially in the area of education for our children. You have done a great job in helping us create hope in the lives of the needy children. A special thank you to our new friends who have accepted to support the children of Uganda. May God bless you so much.
We are happy for the growing number of children with sponsors. The number of sponsored children is now 64 though it is in our prayers that more sponsors come up because we have many children on the waiting list. In the beginning of this term we gave school requirements to 150 children and on this number we included the sponsored and non sponsored ones. Among the school requirements include books, pens, pencils, mathematical sets, reams of paper, toilet papers, colored pencils, manilas etc. These are given to all children including those who are on the waiting list. Those who are sponsored get school fees/tuition and food at school.
In attachment are some of the photos which were taken on the day of giving school requirements to all our children this new term (May 2016).
Thank you very much for the support. May God bless you.
In Christ,